Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Learn how to achieve
true happiness in life with the best books for self improvement. Self discovery is of the ultimate importance to all human beings, but so few people ever attend to it. By understanding your character, personality, and natural talents you will find what it is that you need while achieving an element of self-control. Once your needs are fulfilled you can explore what you aspire for in life to achieve well-being. This aspiration can guide you to wisdom and self-mastery if you strive for it. Sages from long ago discovered this and devised a variety of techniques to help people accomplish these goals. Many experimented with the metaphysical arts and deep meditation to reach the core of their being for this self-discovery. Some taught other people as they learned and self-evolved, always staying one step ahead to guide their disciples. Others combined and mastered methods written by the ancients thousands of years before their time to develop into revered mystics who seemed to have managed the miraculous in the minds of their followers. It wasn’t the magic of metaphysics that gave them mystical powers. It was simply using the natural elements of our world like effective tools that aided them in their self-discovery. Just like eating healthy fresh foods without food color, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners to form a well-balanced diet on a daily basis, these wise people knew and applied the natural elements around them to reach life balance and harmony with their environment. They learned of the medicinal functions contained within herbs, flowers, crystals, and precious metals, and when to apply them. They used the healing vibrations of color and sound therapy to balance the emotions of the disturbed. They discovered and founded schools of thought that extracted the truth from eastern and western astrology, Feng Shui, and numerology to determine successful business and personal relationships, along with significant premonitions that led to victorious campaigns for governments. Then they formulated methodical practices to lead others on a step-by-step process of well-being. For a diseased individual, becoming physically healthy could be considered miraculous. For a hungry farmer, irrigation techniques would be salvation. For the lonely lost orphan, being accepted into a temple as a student would be one’s only chance of having a family life. For a traumatized soldier, only sincere empathy and actual acts of compassion by another will heal the emotional scars received in battle. None of these things are caused by miracles. They are the offerings of educated people who have achieved wisdom and want to share what they know with others to better their lot on earth. The only difference between a modern scientist and ancient sage is that today people are taught to look outside to find answers and in times of old people looked within themselves when seeking solutions. However, even today’s successful scientists have to add ample self-reflection and intuitive knowing to any experiment to guide the methods they use to achieve results, time frames set to extract proof, and to calculate with creative insight to discover the most exact conclusion. Working from the outside to the inside is fine when looking for answers in nature, but only by inner personal reflection can one develop exterior behaviors and patterns that give total self-control so the practitioner can reach self-mastery. That is why the best books for self improvement are those that take one on a journey of self-discovery to find what ails the person so he or she can heal from the inside out. Without inner reflection there can be no insight. If you aren’t listening, you won’t hear where your heart directs you. If you aren’t looking, you will be blind to the things you need most for effective change. Once you are listening and looking, you must open the window to your mind, allowing total awareness of your environment to blow in like a fresh breeze to mingle with and stimulate your intuitive psychic self. Only then will your emotional blockages begin to disperse and wellness be able to seep in to create total wholeness throughout your being. |
The communion with your Higher Self is another aspect to be addressed in the best books for self improvement. Your inherent nature will respond more fully to exterior stimuli, as all phenomena will take on new meaning in your life. You will consciously make a new place for sentient beings as your level of awareness elevates to the next level in your personal evolvement.
This is because the best books for personal growth not only stimulate and motivate people to aspire to develop themselves, but also, to strive to help others. This new found endeavor will not be just to aid family and friends in their development. It will be a strong determination to aspire to work with positive groups of people to help improve the community. It will include a conscious awareness to bring more balance back to the natural world, and clean up the filth and garbage man has dumped into his environment.
The inspirations, aspirations, motivations, determinations, and positive actions described here can all be found in the innovative books written by Dr. Juna Jinsei, who has studied and researched for decades to compile this vast information so she could produce the best books for self improvement just for you. As a Pastoral Counseling Psychologist with a Masters degree in Metaphysical Sciences, she applies the wisdom of the ancients, the secrets of the mystics, over a dozen metaphysical techniques, and the proven methods of a modern psychologist to help others reach their highest potential and achieve their personal best. Best Books for Self ImprovementAs the founder of the World Wholeness Healing Center, Dr. Jinsei has used a successful and unique combination of techniques to guide those who were suffering from various personal traumas or those who are in search of answers to overcome their obstacles and find the solutions they need to evolve to the next level. She has produced the best personal improvement books from her broad focus on western ancient philosophies, primal indigenous belief systems, and eastern religions, which include a strong focus on the Dao, Yogacara, Zen, and Nichiren Buddhism, Juna has masterfully infused the knowledge she discovered and wisdom she gained into these best books for personal improvement to benefit others.
Now you can take advantage of her years of research and hard work. Study from the masters of old. Apply the wisdom and practices of the ancients for personal improvement. Use the miracle chant to develop the good fortune you deserve. But most of all, as you strive to achieve your best, teach and assist others to reach their highest potential too!
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Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Kurhan. |