Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
When we study life superficially we see blood, bones, nerves, and cells, but in reality these factors would mean nothing without energy. The energy of life is the fuel that sustains us so we can keep moving forward to achieve our goals.
Logically, to keep one’s energy up he or she must eat nutritious foods, drink plenty of fluids, and get enough rest to promote well-being and stay in maximum physical shape. If an individual becomes physically ill from mistreating his or her body, the mind will also be affected by muddled confusion and a lack of conscience clarity. However, even when one is in the best physical condition possible, the mind can suffer from confusion, if the emotions are overwrought with uncertainty and anguish. You can be very physically fit when starting your day, but if your mood is dark from worry or stress, nothing will feel or go right. Everyone around you will seem as dreary as you feel. Your negativity will be infused into every situation you find yourself during the day, causing your reasoning power to be tainted. In other words, you will neither be able to help yourself, nor anyone else in this state of mind. Your Wellness Depends on Your Energy Psychology To achieve wellness and wholeness it is absolutely essential that one keeps his or her energy psychology up to the highest levels possible. Emotional stress will taint your mental state of mind with horrid negativity that will only lead to more anxiety as time passes. By using these best selling self help books and applying the holistic healing arts offered in these CDs, you can elevate your energy psychology to a level of serene relaxation. You can use them in the morning to awaken refreshed, and in the evening to assure a long sound sleep during the night without any anxieties to hamper your regenerative slumber. By eliminating your stress, your energy psychology will keep your spirits high as you face the problems that crop up during the day, making it easy to find solutions and overcome obstacles while remaining happy. If you are worried about the opinions of others who criticize and demean your authority and actions taken, try the Build Self-Esteem or Be Self-Confident CDs that will take you on a psychological journey into the depths of your being, where you will realize your true identity as it relates to your higher self. This will produce the energy psychology necessary to feel like a new you, uninhibited by the slights of others. You will come to understand that everyone has a personal agenda, and it could be fear, guilt, or envy that is ruling your enemy’s words and actions. When you have a strong energy psychology nothing can destroy your good mood or sway your good decisions. This is because you will be listening to your inner guidance with intuitive wisdom. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Yuri Arcurs. |
These holistic CDs offer unique healing self-hypnosis sessions that will aid you in reaching your goals to cast out the negative in your life and replace it with wonderful positive experiences. They were created by the pastoral counseling psychologist, Juna Jinsei, to bring you a sense of bliss and fulfillment. Through her guidance and the use of sound therapy that opens your thought waves to achieve a deep meditative state, you can relax in your own home with a set of earphones to take in this ultimate tranquil relaxation. Remember, the more you indulge in each enlightening session, the more you can naturally heal yourself.
People make themselves sick with guilt, fear, worry, and frustration. They many times allow negative situations and overbearing critical people to control their emotions, placing them in peril. The pain of living can sometimes be so overwhelming that it produces many physical ailments that can be completely avoided just by applying this simple healing hypnosis for your ultimate well-being.
Even if you have been a victim of psychological trauma, you can overcome the effects of this negativity with energy psychology produced by these holistic healing hypnosis CDs. Whether you were sexually assaulted, in a devastating accident, lost a loved one, or trying to end a bad relationship, these therapeutic CDs will ease your mind and emotions in the most positive way. They will influence your inner being with theta waves used in sound therapy, guided by the experienced pastoral counseling psychologist, Juna Jinsei, Ph.D., who will take you on a delightful elevated journey to your inner soul to discover who you really are and what you are capable of. You will be lifted out of your despondency and relieved of your rage. Your feelings of guilt and shame will evaporate, and your fears will simply disappear as you repeat the healing session regularly to achieve relief. This energy psychology will give you positive thoughts that will produce new hopes and aspirations to rise from within you to refreshen your life. Energy PsychologyDon’t be a victim. It is up to you to help yourself out of the hole you have permitted yourself to slip into over time. Try these holistic healing CDs to achieve the relief you deserve and climb out of harm’s way and be a part of life’s spontaneous joy once again!