Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Metaphysical Studies The self-control and joy derived from metaphysical studies are unique and powerful. Juna Jinsei Ph.D. traveled widely and lived abroad for decades to acquire the research that led to the results she discovered hidden in the ancient texts of various philosophies and eastern religions, with a strong focus on the Dao, Yogacara, Zen, and Nichiren Buddhism. By expanding her knowledge, Dr. Jinsei has masterfully infused the facts she discovered and wisdom she gained into her books and CDs to promote human development and well-being. Her noble intentions are to alleviate the suffering of mankind by replacing it with indestructible joy and total awareness.
As a Pastoral Counseling Psychologist with a Masters degree in Metaphysical Sciences, Juna Jinsei, Ph.D. has spent her adult life assisting others in breaking the emotional, mental, and psychological bonds that hold them back from attaining their highest potential. As an author, Dr. Jinsei aspired to reach as many people as possible so they could understand the workings of their fundamental darkness and make the appropriate changes to become the inspiring individuals they hoped to be. She understood that a creative, intelligent, and compassionate person can do many wonderful things to right wrongs and assist others, but a large unified group with the same honorable intentions can accomplish so much more. Therefore, she has made it her personal mission to assist curing the ills of the afflicted, raising the energy levels of the weak, adjusting the negative attitudes of the angry and despondent, and elevating the life of her students. In 2006, she founded the World Wholeness Healing Center to continue her humanistic programs. Since then, she and other professionals working in sync with alternative medicine have helped a variety of people seeking physical, mental, and emotional relief. In her metaphysical school she extended her metaphysical studies to weekend seminars to help more people master the metaphysical techniques of the ancients, so they could share their curative powers with as many others as possible. These metaphysical studies offer numerous methods of application. Since people are on different mental, emotional, and psychological levels, not all of these metaphysical arts are appropriate for each individual, but there is always something extremely effective for everyone. Many give examples and exercises in various metaphysical practices in which people can apply to their daily lives to better themselves. Others lay out profound ancient wisdom to enhance the human spirit and deepen one’s faith so it can be used for self-healing and self-control. These metaphysical studies also give a clear identifiable insight to the workings of people’s thoughts and emotions, and the natural human condition, so practitioners can understand in which states they usually reside and make the logical adjustments to reach greater personal heights. |
The metaphysical studies offered by these World Wholeness books and CDs will teach you the origins, fundamentals, applications, and techniques each one consists of so you can use them to improve your personal life, as well as learn to master these methods to assist others. Some of these metaphysical therapies include:
• Exotic flower arranging, • The ritual of tea ceremony, • The self-discipline of martial arts, • The creation of artistic paper folding, and • The divinity of breathing life into bonsai trees. These metaphysical studies have been used throughout the world to build energy, inspire emotions, and support good health. They have also been used to support ancient spiritual ceremonies, as well as healing rituals. Today, they continue to be applied for these same benefits, and made a part of other curative measures given to those receiving metaphysical therapies to increase their overall power. Try these meditative and spiritual activities to create a personal inner wellness that leads to complete wholeness through a sincere concentrated practice. Once you achieve your personal goals of self-mastery through metaphysical therapy, you can take on the noble cause of using this wisdom to help others achieve the same greatness, or better yet, take them to an even higher level than yourself. Then eventually, this empathy and compassion will expand to encompass all mankind. |
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Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Andres Rodriguez.
Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Andres Rodriguez.