Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and
control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake.
You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality,
that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and
control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake.
You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality,
that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Personal Mastery Discover how you can learn to be the master of your existence! It isn’t difficult, and it can be fun with the various techniques offered in these stimulating books and CDs that will teach you personal mastery. Now you can cast out your fear and insecurities as you acquire life-changing knowledge that will stimulate your senses and encourage continual self-development. You’ll be inspired to take action and motivated to learn more as you journey down this path of self-transformation.
Get the answer to that age old question, “What is the purpose of life?” You will learn about ancient philosophies and age old methods of self healing. You can indulge in over a dozen metaphysical techniques offered to purify your life, strengthen your character, and enlighten your soul so you can reach your highest potential and achieve all your dreams. You will understand the value of keeping an open mind so you can permit yourself access to an abundance of worldly knowledge without fear or bias. Then you can assimilate which is the best for you, and the correct path to take that will lead you to the brightest and most fulfilling future. This is because an open mind leads to an insatiable seeking spirit that will open doors to boundless inquiries rewarded by the benefit of personal mastery. Clues from Yesterday The Aborigines, Maori, Maquiritari, Hawaiians, and Children of the Sun are reviewed. You can dive into their historical backgrounds, stories of creation, religious belief systems, and meaning of life. You will find out how their dogma produced and maintained their way of life and style of government. You can dive into the mysticism of wicca, voodoo, and santaria to empower yourself with their wisdom. Learn about the different stages of life, how we allow them to control us, and what is in store for us at the next level as we challenge ourselves to advance forward in our quest for ultimate personal development skills. Global Practices Today With these audio books you can study and make a comparison of the most popular religions practiced on the planet today, along with their origins, cultural backgrounds, and opposing beliefs. You will also learn about the commonalities that bind them all together and make the same sacred promise of peace for the betterment of humankind. Advance with the study of proven techniques discovered and applied by modern psychologists today to aid people in overcoming stress, anxiety, fear, and anger. The personal mastery that can be experienced from these methods is a common denominator among the professional community and can assist one in acquiring the life balance needed to obtain success. Be a Winner in Life Once you elevate your mind with the knowledge of the ancients, wisdom will naturally follow producing personal mastery. This new understanding will bring a new perspective into your life that will motivate you in the here and now so you can realize your true mission in life. Not just a single-minded, self-centered mission to fulfill your personal desires, but the mission that will allow you to be of service to other sentient beings and make a lasting difference in the world. This type of mission will give you the energy and drive to achieve victory in all your well meaning endeavors. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Yuri Arkurs. |
Enjoy these educational books, audio books, and CDs with the superior wisdom they hold. You can share them with your friends and family. They will help you improve your mind and transform your life so you can achieve well being and reach your highest potential.
Expand Your Horizons
You will be taught the difference between time displacement and astral travel. Discover the knowledge acquired by the author through her own experience into the beautiful and unlimited unknown that surrounds us at every moment, though it is witnessed during one’s lifetime. You will learn a variety of meditation techniques used for healing, self-exploration, and healing. Many have been broken down into comprehensible, easy-to-follow steps that can be applied to achieve personal mastery. They give you the levels of an apprentice in the art of meditation to help you clear your mind, and then guide you to an inner self-development that will lead to the communion with your Higher Self at will. Secrets of an Ancient Sutra The Lotus Sutra was taught during the last eight years of Buddha Shakyamuni’s life. It is a step above other sutras since it raises the veil of possible enlightenment for all sentient beings without limitation. It clarifies the ten life conditions that fluctuate within the thoughts and emotions of humans, the essence of all existence, and the three inescapable environments. The information comparted in the Lotus Sutra is meant to be shared and can guide you to a happy, fulfilling life. Experience the Miracle Chant You will hear about the different types of chanting, their intended purposes, and how to apply them for what you desire most. Learn about the unlimited aspects of the miracle chant, what it means, and how it was discovered, You will have the opportunity to practice it and apply its benefits to your own life, after hearing a multitude of personal experiences given by ordinary people to show the power of healing and abundance it brings through the conspicuous and inconspicuous benefits it extends. Personal mastery can be yours as you learn to change the poison from your life into a delicious curative medicine. With the actual proof you receive from the miracle chant the negativity that resides within you will melt away revealing a new positive attitude and self-assured character with a win-win spirit. Your renewed self-worth will attract the good fortune you have been desiring, allowing perfect rhythm to flow through your life so you can achieve your personal improvement and heartfelt goals. |