Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Juna Jinsei Ph.D. is a Pastoral Counseling Psychologist with a Masters degree in Metaphysical Sciences, and the founder of World Wholeness. She has been striving all her professional life to help others realize their true potential. She traveled widely and lived abroad to expand her knowledge, by studying ancient philosophies and Asian religions, with a strong focus on the Dao, Yogacara, Zen, and Nichiren Buddhism. Juna has masterfully infused the knowledge she discovered and wisdom she gained into her books and CDs for human growth with the intention of alleviating mankind’s suffering caused by the simple unawareness of human nature and one’s personal intimate self.
Juna has studied and revealed the details of a variety of metaphysical therapies at the World Wholeness Healing Center and School of Metaphysics to assure everyone can take advantage of the intense research she has undertaken for the sake of others. Many give examples and exercises in various metaphysical practices in which people can apply to their daily lives to better the six aspects, which include:
Without treating and creating wellness in all six of these personal aspects an individual will never be able to achieve true wholeness. Only with a clear identifiable insight to the workings of human nature can one make the logical adjustments to reach greater personal heights. However, if you are not feeling physically well it will be very difficult to make this happen. If you are sluggish, tired, or irritable it becomes hard to think straight or do a good job on any of your projects. Physical illness or any chronic condition will also take its toll on your energy level and leave you feeling despondent with a sense of hopelessness and despair. This is why the first treatments at Dr. Jinsei’s School of Metaphysics are directed at the physical well-being of the individual. Once the physical body begins to regain its strength through nutrition, relaxation, and regular low impact exercise, the mental aspect is addressed with metaphysical therapy to remove justifiable grudges, insecurities, and a self-centered attitude that distort the mental capacities with a lack of clarity. Next the School of Metaphysics works on eliminating negative emotions that have grown out of proportion from wrong thinking. By applying a variety of metaphysical techniques combined with meditation, it becomes easy to rid oneself of worry, stress, anxiety, guilt, anger, and fear. These emotions are simply the byproduct of each person’s negative nature and the bad habit of making scapegoats out of others by placing the blame for one’s lack of good health and unhappiness outside oneself to avoid more guilt, remorse, or feeling weak. Once the first three aspects are on the mend, the psychological aspect will begin to adjust itself too. Bad habits can be changed to good habits and negative behavior can be replaced with positive behavior. As you feel more physically fit, you won’t want to mistreat your body anymore, so you will take action to take the very best care of yourself. As you progress in the practice of metaphysical therapy your attitude refocuses from your grasping selfish ego to one who tries to comprehend the world that surrounds you, you will begin to feel better about everyone and everything, even your personal problems. At this point, you won’t see problems anymore. They will have changed into mere obstacles that can be side tracked or pushed out of the way with your strong mental determination to continue forward. With each obstacle that you remove, the more empowered you will feel. As your self-confidence grows, so will your self-esteem and awareness from knowing you have an incredible inner strength that can be tapped into at will, and you will use it thankfully with the psychological image of the new and improved you. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Andres Rodriguez. |
Now you can make the necessary changes to create the wisdom and well-being you have always desired with the personal growth books and CDs from World Wholeness.
Make It Your
School of Metaphysics Let the School of Metaphysics guide you toward balanced social relationships, even those you may have considered staunch rivals or proven enemies. With your superior attitude and the grace of forgiving you will see people in a different light. Instead of letting them provoke anger, guilt, or shame, you can now clearly understand their character and discover their motives that are aimed at disarming or alarming you. With metaphysical practices, you not only learn self-control, but you can also flex your strong internal energy to calm any social relationship without strain or pain.
Of course, with the information given in these books and CDs that share the wonderful benefits of these therapies from the School of Metaphysics, you not only develop into a healthier, more caring, and more knowledgeable person, but also a truly spiritual being. While you are improving the other five aspects in your life, your profound spiritual essence will open and expand into your surroundings. Your psychic abilities will amplify, and intuitive awareness awaken and remain alert as long as you keep your regular metaphysical practices flourishing daily so your mind stays sharp, body strong, emotions tranquil, behavior full of loving kindness, and social life vibrant as you give your time and efforts to others. With power comes responsibility. As you use the metaphysical talking therapy to strengthen your mind, body, and character while empowering your physical and spiritual energy, you will be transforming into an individual with far more potential than most. It will be your turn to use your good fortune and abundance to lift up others out of the muck and mire of society. Share these metaphysical arts with as many people as you can so they too can stop suffering and live the joyous existence they were meant to live. What you will experience is the fact that there is no greater happiness than knowing what you do is making a miraculous difference in the lives of other living beings. |