Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Getting to know yourself intimately is the key to self-control, and can only be achieved with self discovery activities. Most people fly off the handle in a state of depression or anger because they focus only on what they were hoping for, instead of what they really need, causing a lack of personal well-being.
Think about it. How many times have you gotten upset trying to do or get something, only to fail, but afterwards you realized it turned out better that way, because either what you were desiring wasn’t as good as you thought or something much better presented itself to you? No one knows what is waiting around the corner. Many times it is something totally unexpected that changes the way we see or think about things or our relationship with other people. These constant fluctuations can be exasperating to rigid people who fixate on things. Even people who are more flexible may become frustrated if their circumstances change too quickly or too drastically to comfortably deal with the emotional situation. This is what really makes life a challenge to people. However, though these difficult-to-accept situations may cause one to get upset, they are also what everyone needs to develop in this life and grow. They are the obstacles that block one’s path, teaching the person how to side step or overcome their problem with more grace and ease the next time around. These constant changes also help each one of us to develop in character, making us stronger, steadier, more flexible, and more resilient. However, without the assistance of self discovery activities it is hard to reach this type of realization on a higher level. Transform with Self Discovery Activities Many times those who are causing you the most grief are the very same souls who are helping you develop the most. They are the one’s who will teach you true forgiveness, unconditionally empathy, and how to be the most flexible in life. If you can forgive your enemies, and really understand the character flaws and problems of those causing you the most trouble, you will become a much better person. On the other hand, your best friends may really be the one’s who are holding you back from accomplishing your dreams, expanding your mind without prejudice, or becoming the person you were meant to be. Your loved ones are usually the ones who make excuses for you so you don’t feel bad about certain situations or character flaws. They reinforce your opinions of other people, depending on if you like or dislike them at the time just to agree with you. These are the people who spoil you, or convince you to remain in your comfortable box, limiting your life’s experiences. What one really needs at each moment in life depends on the maturity of his or her soul. What are you here to learn? What part are those around you taking in helping you with these lessons? Sometimes your best friends are those who anger you into positive action, criticize you so you make some necessary personality changes, or make you suffer until you realize your mistakes and adapt enough not to fall into the same depressing situation again. Though these are the people who make your life more difficult, they are really a benefit in disguise. They are the ones that empower you and give you wisdom. They teach you not to take yourself or life too seriously. They show you that you don’t have to put up with negative people. They help you decide if you will follow their example of using and abusing people, or if you will become your own person who values honesty and compassion over trickery, self-gain, and arrogance. The problem is that it isn’t easy to know the difference between friend or foe without self discovery activities to give you some insight to your intuitive self where your inherent knowing resides. It is frequently quite difficult to see your own mistakes. Most people allow their egos to get in the way when weighing the pros and cons, right and wrong, or analyzing what is truly just for all parties. They become selfish while looking out for number one, eventually causing all their decisions to become tainted and one-sided. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Argus. |
Apply Self Discovery Activities
How can you discover who is really working on your behalf in this lifetime? Who are your real friends? What type of relationships have you had in the past with them? How can you dismiss your egotistical attitude to raise the veil of personal ignorance to evolve like you should? These questions can be answered with the help of self discovery activities such as personal past life regression, specifically geared to help you realize where you have been, what you have done, and who has helped alter your past lives so you could achieve greater wisdom in the present.
These intimate self-discovery CDs have been clinically tested for over a decade to assist people in reaching this innate personal knowledge that has traveled with them through limitless time. With this guided self-hypnosis accompanied by sound therapy that will put your mind into a deep meditative state with theta waves, you can relax into the impressions of past experiences by opening the window to your mind that leads to your inner truth. You simply have to sit comfortably in a chair with a pair of headphones on and focus on the therapy session that will guide you from now until then. Every time you repeat this self exploration session your mind will expand and you will learn more about past lives and the people in them, and receive more details on each one you discover. Juna Jinsei, Ph.D. is a Pastoral Counseling Psychologist with a Masters in Metaphysical Sciences. She founded the World Wholeness Healing Center to assist people who are striving for life balance and wellness. Many people cannot achieve these goals without learning more about their ancient past. Some people are stuck in a cycle of self-pity that cripples them from moving forward during this lifetime. There are those who hold themselves back by indulging in a variety of addictions that drag belittling filth into their lives and stagnate their attempts to move forward. Others are engulfed in a fundamental darkness that taints any positive actions they try to take, such as illogical rage, devastating depression, or unreasonable fears. To advance in life these people have to know where they have been to recognize who they are, so they can continue their personal quest to develop into the sentient beings they desire to be. Self Discovery ActivitiesCan Change Your LIfeThese self discovery activities can aid you in achieving your persent aspirations. Learning as much as you can about your true self will inspire and motivate you to continue to advance in this lifetime and accomplish the dreams you have always desired. You will learn that there is nothing limiting you except yourself in your quest for self-improvement and joyful attainment. The eternal you is also the limitless you.
Dr. Jinsei’s CDs produced by World Wholeness can help you reach your Higher Self and comprehend the mysteries that need to unfold to find your highest potential. Try these self discovery activities today. Share them with your friends and family. Study your past relationships with them and compare notes to reach the ultimate insight into your own personal existence and the maturity of your soul. These CDs will allow you to take as many personal journeys of self-discovery as you wish. Use them, so you can become the person you were meant to be.