Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Spiritual Response Therapy
Anyone who has ever tried to have self-control in a situation where heated emotions are running high knows it is difficult to remain calm, especially if the particular conflict involves one directly. Self-control is much more than a learned trait. It encompasses changing one’s attitude with constant determined practice, which can be found in spiritual response therapy within the art of metaphysics.
Metaphysical practices are considered spiritual therapy because they require a person to apply much more than control over one’s thoughts. They encompass the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects, requiring them to all work together to create harmony and complete wellness in the individual. Instead of using prescription drugs to treat only the symptoms of an illness or a small part of the problem, which is not going to make a person healthy or happy, one must treat the whole being. Plus, one has to keep in mind that the prolonged use of any drug causes side effects that compound after time, making the cure worse than the disease in most cases. To gain self-control you have to apply spiritual response therapy so you can learn to control yourself no matter what the situation. To do this will require you to be in the best physical condition so your inner energy flow is strong and constant. Just like a strong immune system fights off the ill effects of exterior bacteria, a strong energy flow without any blockages will help you physically stand strong so you can overcome any slight or obstacle. Mentally, your positive attitude must be focused on acting and reacting correctly all the time. Instead of seeing problems, in your mind you will only see exciting challenges waiting to be confronted and solved. Your determination is fixated on success, which fills you will joyful anticipation as you set about to conquer your character weaknesses and any negativity in your environment. Your emotions will be elevated by your powerful energy and mental resolve. Your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth will be heightened, allowing you to feel three times as empowered when facing obstacles that lie in your path to achievement. You will know you can accomplish anything, and even if you may have to go around it or over it, eventually, you will reign supreme in your endeavors. The more self-esteem you have, the more you will become accustomed to treating your physical body well by eating the best things, getting enough rest, and exercising regularly to stay in top shape. This will also keep your mind sharp and emotions positive. Psychologically, your old bad habits will subside and be replaced by good habits that benefit you. Negative behaviors will begin to change with your renewed sense of self-worth as you continue to aspire toward greater things, gifting you the freedom from vices, self-criticism, and self-abuses. Since your negative emotions aren’t hampering your actions anymore, you can easily fit in much better in any social background. You will be more pleasing to talk to or work with, and have the ability to lead others with your logical common sense, which is not being affected by irrational emotions or negative thoughts. Others will seek you out for advice because they realize you are levelheaded and sincere, and you will be able to inspire the assistance of others to complete your goals rapidly. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Pavel Losevsky. |
These books and CDs have been created to help you achieve this complete balance. They will teach you the proper application of a variety of techniques, which can successfully treat your whole being. Use them to eliminate your weaknesses, frustrations, anxieties, and fears, so the new you can emerge, with a sterling attitude and unwavering determination to feel great and achieve all your honorable goals.
Of course, in spiritual response therapy the essence of your inner spirituality heads up the other five aspects by guiding them with your inherent elevated intuition and complete awareness of goodness and grace in the here and now. This will help keep you from exterior distractions or negative temptations that can lead you away from your chosen path. At this point, not only will you be able to stay your course, but also you will naturally start to take in the needs of others and include them in your plans. Your communion with your Higher Self will give you more empathy and compassion. You will begin to feel the truth of the fact; you can’t really be happy, unless others are happy also.
This is because the art of metaphysics treats the whole being, and once a person’s whole being is healthy and balanced it can be in sync with its environment. Interior self-pity will develop into exterior empathy. Just like misery loves company, so does a person who feels on top of the world, wish to share their joyful bounty with all those who accompany them in their daily chores. This is the type of spiritual response therapy that comes from the proper use of crystals, Bach flower therapy, color, sound, dream divining, aura readings, Reiki, chakra balancing, Feng Shui, and aromatherapy, to mention a few. They can be applied individually or combined together to create therapy sessions that treat a variety of aspects at the same time. As spiritual response therapy begins to bring balance back into your life, you will feel the old insecure and fearful pains begin to drain away. You will then gain more personal power and mental focus. Eventually, you will notice that a spiritual veil has lifted and for the first time, you can truly see reality without the negative influence of your self-centered ego. Your self-control will be constant and complete, and you will be aware of how limitless you really are. You will be free to strive toward your noble aspirations and have the ability to really make a difference in the world. |