Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
YES, You Can Make It Happen was written for intellectuals, spiritual teachers, and New Age practitioners so they can restore well-being by healing themselves and others in the most effect manner. It is full of examples and exercises in various metaphysical practices in which people can apply to their daily lives to better themselves. Some of these methods include Bach flower therapy, color therapy, sound therapy, dream therapy, aromatherapy, and crystal therapy. It also offers the profound wisdom of ancient philosophies from the east and west, making a study of renowned scholars who have enhanced the human spirit down through the ages, such as Akhenaten, Orpheus, Zoroaster, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and more. Plus, you’ll discover the interesting belief systems of indigenous societies like, the Maori, Shinto, Aborigines, native Hawaiians, and Maquiritari to compare the origins of man and how they developed around the globe. It is the perfect example of manifesting enlightenment, demonstrated through its true stories that will leave you awestruck, which is why it deserves to be classified as one of the best self help books of all time.
100 Worlds to the Inner Cosmos was created for people who enjoy a good story and being able to relate to the suffering and joys of the characters so they can learn from their misgivings and mistakes. It gives a clear identifiable insight to the workings of people’s ten basic life conditions from the most hellish state to the most enlightened one, so readers can understand in which states they usually reside and make the logical adjustments to reach greater personal heights. It illustrates how people can overcome their weaknesses, guilt, addictions, despondency, anger, and fears by raising these conditions empowered with a renewed energy to elevate to higher mental and emotional levels and stay there. This is one of the best books for self improvement, which explains the ten factors of life that make up all existence, and the three environments human life must function in and manipulate for success. Transforming Human Awareness will be beneficial to spiritual people who recognize the grave conditions mankind has placed on Mother Nature and those who are currently involved in a variety of ways to improve themselves and their environment for global wellness. It takes place at a religious forum, where Christians, Moslems, Jews, and a variety of Buddhists sects unite to discuss the flaws and strengths of humankind, past mistakes, and possible solutions as we move from 2012 and beyond. Among the best self help books of all time you can find many genre to choose from that can aid you in improving your life. If you enjoy poetry, you will love Enlighten Your Passions. It was produced for creative people who find it fun to learn profound information in rhythmical verse. This award-winning poetry will make the perfect gift for that special someone on your list. It is the elevated study of human nature from despair to humankind’s highest potential. Muck Blossoms is a novel for those with a sense of romanticism that helps balance their concepts of good and evil, while aspiring to achieve their best in all things by strengthening their character. It was written as an example to help the abused and downtrodden realize that with hard work, honesty, and determination they can live a worthwhile life, defeat their negative aspects, and find true everlasting love to share with other good souls striving for personal improvement and to better the lot of men. As for those who not only want to make the most profound personal changes, as well as acquire knowledge, and ultimately lead others to enlightenment, they will definitely be able to achieve their goals with the ancient wisdom offered in Counting Down to a Better World. It systematically lists the greatest weaknesses and problems confronted by humankind, along with the fascinating solutions left behind for our transformation to the next level in human development by Shakyamuni Buddha thousands of years ago. These best self help books of all time have been guiding people everywhere down the path of the Middle Way to help them find life balance, greater wisdom, and indestructible happiness in an ever changing environment. |
Best Self Help Books of All TimeThe methods of the ancients and techniques of the mystics have helped make these personal growth books the best self help books of all time. By studying them and applying their proven systems you will discover who you are, what you can achieve, and the quickest way to get there.
Two other great examples of the best self help books of all time were written to stimulate and motivate people to use their profound spirituality and creativity to transform their homes, schools, and workplace into an inspiring haven for personal growth that empowers them with self-control and great joy. For those who love to be inspired into taking action, Elevate Your Life offers the appropriate method to achieve all your heartfelt goals through the practice of powerful and fulfilling daily affirmations. Less serious people, who love to laugh and partake in life’s little entertaining moments as much as possible, will surely have fun with FUNdaMENTAL Creativity. It is a useful tool to offer your children at home, students in school, or coworkers in the office, which will stimulate their mental creativity each day, so they are prepared to excel at a moment’s notice by thrilling at exciting challenges.
You will thrill to the opportunity to challenge yourself, better your existence, increase your abundance, and create good fortune for yourself and others like never before experienced. Read them, savor them, and pass them on so their enlightened benefits can be shared. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Kurhan. |