Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
No matter who you are, where you live, or what you do, no one is void of stress all the time. In fact, all the things that have been invented in the past century to help alleviate stress in the lives of modern men have had the opposite effect on their well-being. Since automation has made chores easier and faster, everyone is expected to have more time to dedicate to their work and social lives. However, no matter how fast one goes, it is impossible to keep up with the pace.
This type of speed has also sent many over the edge with expectant instant gratification. A few decades ago, a person would have to send a letter to another part of the world and wait weeks for a response. Now with cell phones and text messaging no one has any patience to wait for a response to their queries. Many people believe their friends and family should be waiting to reply to any simple message they may send. Instead of planning a shopping spree to find a gift for that special someone, one can go online and check out the merchandize at different stores and make a quick order. They can even arrange for its arrival to their home the next day. You might think that this is a great time saver, but in reality, if you take into consideration that most people try and do their online shopping at work between projects or just before going to bed, you can see how this may turn into a stressful situation. Those who become addicted to their cell phones, trying to communicate with someone on every work break, and sending constant text messages during company meetings, in front of customers, and while they are driving, are not only adding extra stress to their lives, but also placing themselves in a dangerous situation when on a busy road. It may seem that the best stress relief would require eliminating cell phones and computers to get a break from this type of bombarding information that either interrupts or fills every extra moment of our lives. For many going on vacation means exactly that. Leaving the modern appliances behind to enjoy a few carefree days in nature or exploring a new location and taking in the unique sights could seem perfect for many, though some find that shortly after arriving at their new destination, they feel lost and out of touch without their communication devices. Once again this becomes a cause for stress, even when they are supposed to be relaxing and enjoying themselves. Some people believe the best stress relief comes from avoiding negative relationships to minimize shame, guilt, or fear that cause unwanted anxiety. It is quite impossible to avoid some problematic relationships, especially when they come from environments one is forced to be a part of, such as in school or at work. The nasty criticism of our peers and coworkers can gnaw at one’s emotions, bringing on feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness. An unreasonable and overbearing instructor or boss can make life stressful too, by multiplying one’s workload beyond human capacity, just to see how far this authority figure can push you to go. Handling this type of relationship can sometimes be the most stressful, forcing you to seek trauma relief with energy psychology, especially if your livelihood depends on staying in school or keeping your employment. Those who are miserable at school or work, look forward to being home with their family, feeling sure that the best stress relief will come from those they cherish most. Unfortunately, many of these people get stressed out from trying to please their loved ones with gifts and attention, even though time and money are the two things they really don’t have. Feeling like they are letting those they love most down can cause sleepless nights and anxiety filled days as they strive to find a remedy these circumstances. Those who become exhausted by their efforts to succeed at work and home sometimes fall ill. Then in an effort to find the best stress relief they have to see their physician to get well and take medication to overcome their extreme anxiety that has led them to be sick. These prescription drugs play with their mind and emotions with adverse affects until the remedy seems worse than the cure. Modern civilization has millions of causes that add to mankind’s stress level on a daily basis. It is impossible to leave one’s environment, and if a change is made, it won’t be long before a new type of stress takes over making one suffer. People can’t sleep because they worry, and then worry about losing sleep. A sleepless night, tossing and turning with anxiety makes it difficult to wake up feeling fresh. A sluggish mind on the job just causes more stress, and then one has to worry about losing his or her job. There is a simple solution to this problem though . . . |
Get the Best Stress Relief
The solution to this problem only requires taking the time to relax into holistic hypnosis to create the best stress relief possible to renew you spirit, sharpen your mind, and brighten your mood. Even if the cause of your worry and anxiety is related to harsher circumstances, such as abuse, trauma, rape, utter confusion, or lack of self-esteem, these holistic healing CDs can help you overcome the negativity that is spoiling the hope and aspirations you once had in life. These holistic CDs offer healing hypnosis. They were created by the pastoral counseling psychologist, Juna Jinsei, to bring you peace of mind and fulfillment. Through her guidance and the use of sound therapy that opens your thought waves to achieve a deep meditative state, you can relax in your own home with a set of earphones to take in this ultimate tranquil relaxation. Remember, the more you indulge in each enlightening session, the more you can naturally heal yourself with the best stress relief.
People make themselves sick with worry and frustration. They many times allow negative situations and overbearing critical people to control their emotions, placing them in peril. The pain of living can sometimes be so overwhelming that it produces migraine headaches, digestive disorders, constipation, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, extreme agitation, or other physical ailments that can be completely avoided. Best Stress Relief Don’t be a victim. It is up to you to help yourself out of the hole you have permitted yourself to slip into over time. Try these holistic healing CDs to achieve the relief your deserve and climb out of harm’s way to get back into the game of life and continue to live an exciting adventure.
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Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Yuri Arcurs. |