Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Many people go through life grasping at material things they believe will give them some power and security. They measure their material and personal wealth and sense of self-worth by what other people have been able to attain. If they don’t think that they measure up they end up feeling like losers. If they can manage to get more than they aspired for they sense an incredible well-being that leaves them feeling empowered and victorious.
Achieve the Joy You Deserve Looking outside yourself does not make you a better person. Having more doesn’t mean you are better than anyone else. Sometimes that leads to greed and arrogance. Gaining wealth rarely brings true love or happiness. Many times it brings just the opposite, along with hatred, envy, and betrayal. To find true love, respect, and admiration, achieve self-control over your life, and ultimately live a joyful existence requires a profound understanding of your true nature through self discovery techniques. If you can see who you really are, you will be able to better understand what you need to grow during this lifetime. It will also direct you toward your strengths and the type of natural influence you have over your environment when you expand your unique character traits. Some people try meditation, yoga, Huna methods, or other self discovery techniques to find internal comprehension of self. Others try to do a self analysis by comparing their personalities and characters with their other family members or people they admire and try to imitate. There are some who reach out in their dreams searching for some insight to why they do and react in particular ways, trying to get to the bottom of who they really are. However, none of these methods will give the full picture of your true nature or how you managed to reach your present level of maturity and inner knowing. Among the various self discovery techniques applied in metaphysics today, the one that stands out due to its successful results is past life regression. It is usually accomplished by a form of self-hypnosis that eases the individual into a completely relaxed state of mind by using theta waves produced by the application of sound therapy to deepen the degree of meditation as much as possible. Once this state of mind is achieved you can reach into the past personages you have been and experiences you have had through self-discovery, which have shaped the current eternal nature of your soul. If you want to know why you are the way you are, you have to understand where you have been and what you did to form these individual character traits. Then once you have this information, it will be much easier to decide where you wish to go from here, the type of life mission to aspire toward, and the element of potential success you may achieve during your worthy endeavors. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Argus. |
Self Discovery Techniquesthat Really Work! Juna Jinsei, Ph.D. is a Pastoral Counseling Psychologist with a Masters in Metaphysical Sciences. She founded the World Wholeness Healing Center to assist people who are striving for life balance and wellness. Many people cannot achieve these goals without learning more about their ancient past. Some people are stuck in a cycle of self-pity that cripples them from moving forward during this lifetime. There are those who hold themselves back by indulging in a variety of addictions that drag belittling filth into their lives and stagnate their attempts to move forward. Others are engulfed in a fundamental darkness that taints any positive actions they try to take, such as illogical rage, devastating depression, or unreasonable fears. To advance in life these people have to know where they have been to recognize who they are, so they can continue their personal quest to develop into the sentient beings they desire to be.
These self discovery techniques can be found in Dr. Jinsei’s CDs produced by World Wholeness to help you reach your Higher Self and comprehend the mystery that needs to unfold to find the real you. By donning a pair of headphones and sitting in a comfortable chair in the convenience of your own home, you can take a personal journey like no other.
Don’t let anything stand in the way of these self discovery activities that will lead to your total awareness and self-mastery. You are a unique eternal spirit on the elevated mission of personal evolution. Permit yourself this special attention and the knowledge to make a difference in the world so this can be one of the most significant lives you have every lived! You shouldn’t allow yourself to stray from you cosmic path, be influenced by the negativity of others that will take you in the wrong direction, or fall victim of uncontrollable emotions that leave you feeling lost and alone so you can’t complete your life’s mission. It is important to focus on the real you and find your true self so you can meet and learn from those you were meant to be taught by, experience the misery and joys you must face to develop fully, and accomplish what you were meant to achieve in this lifetime. The more you apply these self discovery techniques with these CDs, the more you will be able to dive into the unknown you, which has been changing and transforming throughout time. Open the door to your Higher Self, eternal aspirations, and past successes and failures. Learn about past relationships, why you feel the way you do about other people, and what you are meant to accomplish in this lifetime. Let the unending light of self-awareness illuminate you once more so you can advance toward your desires with the elevated intentions you had coming into this physical existence, and become the individual you want to be. |