Learn How to Have a Happier Life!
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Life isn’t fair. That’s true . . .
but are you going to laugh about it or cry about it?
You may believe that the only way to become happy is to change environments and control those around you that you think make you feel miserable. That is a mistake. You have to realize that the only person you can really control is yourself, and in reality, that is the only person you need to control to be happy.
Without Trauma Relief
Self-Control Isn't Possible From the moment you are born social relationships can be confusing and steal your well-being. Even at an early age you can feel the sting of sibling rivalry, suffer from a neglectful parent, or feel like a failure in the eyes of those you care about most. You may try to live up to other’s expectations of you, but no matter what you do, it never seems to be enough. You are always a little slower, a little weaker, or a little less successful. In school you learn to fit into your social group of peers by following their lead to be accepted as an equal, even if it is something questionable or undesirable. You work hard to make and maintain friends so you feel like you belong, and avoid becoming a social outcast. Until one day, you meet that someone special who gives you the attention you have been craving. You believe it is love, until you discover that this person was just as needy as you, or perhaps a bit more. The relationship was never about the attention you were receiving, as much as it was about the attention your mate needed. As the demands of the relationship grow, the obsession ends, leaving you seeking some trauma relief. At work you may have an ogre of a supervisor who constantly picks on you. You are pushed and bullied into staying longer and working harder than others. Though the demands are great, you receive no appreciation from management, only criticism for the small things that were left undone so you could meet your deadlines. Those on your team envy your skills, so they degrade you under their breath and you become the subject of breakroom gossip within the company. This is nothing you looked for or deserved, but since your coworkers are a miserable lot, they want you to experience the same dissatisfaction that they are feeling. These are normal bumps and grinds that most people face throughout their lives. Though they may be good reason to search for mild trauma relief for the things that eat at your inner being, they are nothing compared to actual attacks against you personally. Being a victim of a mugging, emotional abuse, physical beating, or sexual assault can leave deep scars in one’s psyche that may never totally heal. You can go to your physician for trauma relief, who will prescribe medication to help you forget or tranquilize your nerves, but this type of remedy is only temporary. Once the drugs wear off, you are left with the same anxieties and fears as before. Plus, you will begin to become dependent on these happy pills to see you through the day, while compounding your problems with the nasty side effects they cause over time. Trauma ReliefHowever, by applying these intuitive healing arts for the best stress relief, you will be able to empower yourself with good health, positive habits, and lasting trauma relief that will help you develop into a better person. You will be able to gain self-control over your life once again. This will empower you in every aspect of your life. Your self-respect will soar, making others take notice and look up to you as a pleasant role model. As you take the reins to direct your life the way you want it to go, you will be able to experience true freedom; the freedom from worrying about what others think, the freedom from their manipulation, and the freedom to make your own individual choices from your intuitive psyche where all the right solutions lie, waiting to manifest when you are ready to apply them.
Now you can use healing hypnosis to overcome your suffering with trauma relief and achieve your goals. It doesn’t matter if you are battling lack of sleep or the inability to wake up clear-headed in the morning. You may be striving to learn how to relax so you can conquer your elevated stress level. Eliminating worries from you life is no small feat. It can be the one thing that brings true peace of mind so you can remain focused on what is really important. If you feel your self-worth has been threatened you can apply the trauma relief offered in the CDs, Build Self-Esteem or Be Self-Confident to climb out of your shell and reach for new horizons. If a romantic breakup has left you dazed and emotionally overwhelmed or feeling empty inside, listen to Ending Negative Relationships to let go of the bad experience and gain strength from it instead. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. Top photo by IKO. Bottom photo by Nyul. |
By listening to the CDs that apply to your particular problems, you will find trauma relief from the distressing bonds that have kept you tethered to the misery hidden deep within your soul. You will be able to reflect on the nightmares of your past, and bring them into the light to be dealt with properly as you gain inner strength to overcome all your obstacles, whether manifesting from your internal darkness or from some exterior source.
Elevate Your Consciousness All you have to do is relax in a comfortable chair with a pair of headphones, and listen to the sound therapy as it eases you into a profound meditative state and allow the healing hypnosis to consume your thoughts to lift you out of your suffering with trauma relief and into an elevated state where your highest potential can be realized. It is more rejuvenating than sleep because you will experience total relaxation while your positive mental and emotional energy circulate to produce a refreshing new well-being to be absorbed into every aspect of your life.
Once this holistic trauma relief begins to take place alleviating the suffering in your life, you can use the Total Awareness CD to raise your level of consciousness. You will be able to explore what is real and what is an illusion in your life to avoid deluding yourself into believing the utter nonsense others may try to convince you of to manipulate you to do their bidding. You won’t be inflicted with egocentric self-importance. Instead, you will have complete confidence in your skills and learn to realize they should be used in service of others as well as for yourself.
With total awareness clarity will be king. You can act intuitively with your superior right thinking, right speaking, and right actions that will naturally guide you without pre-planning or long-term contemplation. You will come to simply know and allow your higher self to take control, creating a state of joy to be experienced by you and all those you encounter and assist. This holistic healing therapy have been created by the pastoral counseling psychologist, Juna Jinsei, Ph.D., from the trauma relief you need from the emotions that are holding you back from your well-deserved happiness. However, it is up to you. Only you can make the choice to live a well-balanced, joyful life. Only you can take the necessary steps to go from suffering to a delightful fulfilling life. Empower yourself today so you can reach your highest potential and stay in control of your life! |